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Intelligenter H2E-Hub


Unser Ziel ist es, das Problem des verfügbaren grünen Wasserstoffs dort zu lösen, wo das Fahrzeug ihn benötigt. Grüner Wasserstoff gilt als teuer. Derzeit werden riesige Produktionsanlagen gebaut oder geplant, die jedoch weit vom tatsächlichen Bedarf entfernt sind und erst in einigen Jahren in Betrieb gehen werden.

Wir haben eine effiziente Methode entwickelt, um verfügbare elektrische Energie aus erneuerbaren Quellen wie Sonne und Wind zu nutzen und in grünen Wasserstoff umzuwandeln, wann immer dies den Weg zu einer dekarbonisierten Wirtschaft unterstützt.

Unsere zum Patent angemeldete MFH25-Technologie kombiniert modernste Elektrolyseurtechnologie mit der Dynamik von elektrischen Energiespeichersystemen. Das Ergebnis ist grüner und dennoch wettbewerbsfähiger Wasserstoff, Wärmeenergie und sogar netzunabhängige elektrische Energie auf Abruf.

Dedizierte Onsite-Systeme sind ab einem Tagesbedarf von durchschnittlich 500 kg H2 verfügbar. Flexible Abonnementmodelle beginnen bei 50 kg pro Tag.

Solutions we offer

Green Hydrogen and Power-to-X plant development


Assisting hydrogen and PtX developers in the cost-effective and safe production and transportation of low-

carbon hydrogen and its derivatives.

Our services include feasibility studies, consulting, planning, process making, procurement, efficient plant designing, constructing, EPC and managing hydrogen and power to X facilities.​


Produkte und Dienstleistungen


Feasibility Studies and Financial Analysis

We understand the difficulties involved in delivering bankable projects, managing supply chain and technology selections, and optimizing your project to create competitive offtake opportunities. Our studies support your decision-making process, helping you quickly identify suitable solutions for further development while keeping costs minimal and maximum profit.

  1. We have developed a simulation model designed to calculate the optimal sizes for components of a green hydrogen plant, such as electrolyzers, batteries, and hydrogen storage, compressors while considering the techno-commercial aspects of the whole project.

  2. This tool is equipped with the intelligence to predict renewable energy generation for any location and inheritance the behavior of the plant components.

  3. Additionally, we maintain an in-house database of different suppliers for Green H2 plant components, these features enable us to compare costs associated with different component manufacturers.


Optimizing the component sizes and eventually the profitability

Our simulation model inherited with advanced intelligence allows us to achieve the lowest Levelized Cost of Hydrogen (LCOH).

H2 supply chain database

Advantage of our extensive experience in green energy projects and global supply chain database of green hydrogen projects


Prediction of renewable energy generation of any location

Our machine learning model enables the prediction of renewable energy generation at any location.





Der Kern unserer Innovation ist unser intelligentes Steuerungssystem Greenbox MultiflowH25, das auf selbstlernenden intelligenten Vorhersagemodellen basierende Algorithmen zum Leistungsausgleich anwendet, um einen möglichst produktiven Systembetrieb sicherzustellen. Greenbox MultiflowH25 generiert Produktivitätsvorteile mit einem beeindruckenden Ergebnis von bis zu 25 % Gesamtkosteneinsparung bei der lokalen Produktion von grünem Wasserstoff.


Das MultiFlowH25-System bestimmt die spezifischen Dimensionen für jede Komponente in Power-to-Gas-Anlagen (PtG), sodass attraktive Geschäftsmodelle mit langfristiger Rentabilität und Nachhaltigkeit gewährleistet sind. Jede unserer Anwendungen ist absolut auf den individuellen Anwendungsfall zugeschnitten. Der Ausgangspunkt für ein solches System kann entweder bedarfsgesteuert sein, beispielsweise durch den jährlichen H2-Bedarf des Kunden, oder auf der Versorgungskapazität und dem Versorgungsprofil basieren, beispielsweise rund um eine bereits aktive erneuerbare Energiequelle (z. B. Wind, Sonne, Wasserkraft). Nachdem die perfekte Lösung für den spezifischen Anwendungsfall ermittelt wurde, erstellt Greenbox einen vollständigen Implementierungsvorschlag einschließlich des vollständigen Geschäftsplans vom Investitionsschema bis zum Betriebsmodell und den Kosten.


The key innovation of our MultiFlowH25 System is to keep the interplay between the dynamic load curve of a RES, the power sourcing for a downstream energy storage system (ESS), the PtG and GtP components and hydrogen storage at its highest efficiency in regard to the economy, the life cycle of the whole system and the maximization of H2 production. Applying such a system optimization, we are the enabler for a new generation of business models in energy management. 


Our systems are fully connected: real-time data from all our systems are collected and analyzed for a continuous improvement process concerning system efficiency and lowering cost through predictive maintenance. Data analytics constantly keep our systems on the peak of their efficiency and environmental data forecasting (weather, supply, demand, pricing) is pushing the system way ahead of competition. The users of the Greenbox MultiFlowH25 system will always benefit from the newest technologies on the market.   


What can you expect from us: We either build your customized Plug&Play H2 Power Plant or enter into a purchase power agreement (PPA) with you to secure your energy market business model.  

Use Cases




Second Life Energy Plants


Renewable energy power plants, which have lost their claim to the EEG apportionment after 20 years, are facing the crucial decision of either continuing their operation of feeding electricity into the grid, but at a much lower remuneration (often below the breakeven point), or completely dismantling the power plant at a significant cost.


Greenbox offers a very attractive solution to continue operation with the prospect of getting high and stable returns that ensure operational profit for another 10 to 20 years. This alternative is based on the production of green hydrogen from the renewable energy power plant. For this use case, Greenbox offers a complete plug-and-play solution either as an investment addition to the existing facility or as a PPA model.



Grid Balancing


Another use case based on the production of hydrogen is to offer a grid balancing service to the public grid. Grid balancing is when excess electricity from the grid is locally stored (in our application in form of H2) and then fed back into the grid as soon as demand for electricity exceeds supply. Grid balancing will increasingly become a necessity as the percentage of renewable energy rises in the energy mix. Demand for energy in the grid does not overlap with the real-time supply from renewable energy, so a form of energy storage is an absolute necessity. While hydrogen is widely regarded as the future solution of energy storage, our Greenbox MultiflowH25 system makes hydrogen the solution of your Grid balancing business model today- competitive, sustainable, reliable and feasible.



Emission-free CHP Solution


Fuel Cells convert Hydrogen back to Electricity. But in addition to Electricity also heat is being generated. This builds the basis for combined heat and power (CHP) solutions. For this use case, we are able to plan and implement a complete system combining on-site upstream production of hydrogen with Electrolyzers and a stationary fuel cell for the conversion of hydrogen to electricity and heat. Due to the simultaneous usage of electricity and heat, the parametrics of the fuel cell can be ideally utilized so that system efficiencies close to 100% are feasible. This whole process would take place without generating one single gram of CO2. Our MultiflowH25 system will always ensure an optimized energy and heat supply to match the demand profile. 

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