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Value chain of battery storage​

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Our offer

We maximize the revenue potential of storage batteries on the energy market. Benefit from it at your location!

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what we offer


Identification, validation and implementation of customized storage solutions


Simulation and calculation of your site-specific business case​


Fast sourcing through our network of hardware partners and integration into virtual power plants for multi-market trading​


Operation of storage capacity as Battery-as-a-Service



An energy storage system that operates independently and is not coupled to other energy generation plants.

Co-location variant: A concept in which storage and generators share the grid connection but operate independently of each other.​

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Hybrid power plant​

A system that integrates renewable energy generation and energy storage to be optimized together. A prominent use case is load shifting**​

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the right solution for your location 

We maximize the revenue potential of storage batteries on the energy market. Benefit from it at your location!

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The Greenbox simulation model enables quick decision-making​

Automated simulation model based on current and historical data shows concrete Sales potential per location​.

Easy and quick comparison between common solutions​.

Accessible basis for contacting network operators​.

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Solution for small Power plants –aggregation into one VPP​

Challenge: Many locations are not suitable for large battery storage systems, partly due to grid capacity restrictions. However, in order to be able to trade battery flexibility on all markets, a minimum size is required.

Solution: Networking and controlling small decentralized energy generation plants in a Virtual Power Plant in order to market them as a single power plant .*​


*through intelligent balancing group management we eliminate the need for geographical proximity of these energy generation plants​

Greenbox Co-operation Models​

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