Press Event on 13.10.2023
Greenbox Mobile Energy presents its pilot project of a mobile charging station with battery storage at 24-Autohof Lutterberg on October 13, 2023.
For your research, texts, photos and data as well as a presentation are available for download here. Please feel free to contact us if you have any further questions.
The material can be found below.
General press release about Greenbox Mobile Energy
Press release pilot project Greenbox Mobile Energy at 24-Autohof Lutterberg
Artikel Göttinger Tageblatt – Eichsfelder Tageblatt: „Absolutes Pilotprojekt“: Autohof bei Lutterberg betreibt Greenbox für E-Autos_15.10.2023 _Stefan Kirchhoff
Presentation Greenbox Mobile Energy
Artikel - 24-Autohof Lutterberg ermöglicht netzunabhängiges Laden_17.10.2023_Sebastian Schaal
Artikel HNA_Staufenberg/ A7-Raststätte Lutterberg weiht Flüssigerdgas-Zapfsäule ein_19.10.23_Celine Kühn
Press Photos
In our press photo center you can quickly and easily find printable images for your coverage of Greenbox Mobile Energy. Please note that you can only use the images below in editorial context with Greenbox Mobile Energy, displaying the following information Copyright: Elvina Kulinicenko / Greenbox Mobile Energy. Country: Germany.